Lampu pendarfluor bersih kalis letupan

Lampu pendarfluor bersih kalis letupan
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Model: BHY
Mengkhususkan diri dalam penyelidikan dan pembangunan pencahayaan perindustrian, pengeluaran dan penjualan perusahaan berteknologi tinggi negara
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Light source: T5/T8 LED
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Wattage: 1*18W/2*18W
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Temperature class: T1 to T6
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp IP Code: IP66
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Certification:  ExdeIICT6Gb/ExtDA21
Explosion-proof clean fluorescent lamp Ambient temp: -40℃ to +40℃/55℃

fluorescent lamp Scope of application and use
◎Suitable for zone 1 and zone 2 in explosive gas environment;
. It is suitable for zone 20 of combustible dust environment. District 21. District 22;
. Suitable for IA, IB class explosive gas environment;
◎Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1 - T5;
◎Equipped with T8 double-leg fluorescent lamps and LED lamps;
. It is suitable for explosive and dangerous environments such as oil refining, storage, chemical industry, medicine, military industry and military facilities.
fluorescent lamp Features
✧The shell is made of aluminum alloy die-casting, after shot blasting, high-voltage electrostatic spraying;
✧The shell is formed by bending steel plate, and the surface is sprayed with high voltage electrostatic; .
. Equipped with well-known brand fluorescent tubes, long life and high light efficiency;
◆>Stainless steel shell can be used according to user requirements, and the surface is polished;
✧The shell and the pressure frame are connected by a built-in chain, and the internal reflector can be turned over.
lighting status;
◆There are specially designed overcharge and overdischarge protection circuits in the emergency device;
. The tightening bolt adopts anti-drop measures to simplify the maintenance work of opening the cover;
. The transparent cover of the ceiling-mounted, recessed type 1 lamps is formed of polycarbonate;
✧The transparent cover of the embedded type 2 lamps adopts high-strength flat tempered glass;
Dustproof performance;
◆The exposed part of the embedded type 2 lamps is less after installation, which can effectively save the height of the workshop.
◎Built-in ballast with encapsulated structure, with good explosion-proof performance;
Degree, beautiful and generous.
fluorescent lamp Main technical parameters
Exde IICT6Gb/ExtD21
T5/T8 led
Ceiling/pipe hanging installation
fluorescent lamp Order Notice
✧The shell and the pressure frame are connected by a built-in chain, and the internal reflector can be turned over.
lighting status;
◆There are specially designed overcharge and overdischarge protection circuits in the emergency device;
. The tightening bolt adopts anti-drop measures to simplify the maintenance work of opening the cover;
. The transparent cover of the ceiling-mounted, recessed type 1 lamps is formed of polycarbonate;
✧The transparent cover of the embedded type 2 lamps adopts high-strength flat tempered glass;
Dustproof performance;
◆The exposed part of the embedded type 2 lamps is less after installation, which can effectively save the height of the workshop.
◎Built-in ballast with encapsulated structure, with good explosion-proof performance;
Degree, beautiful and generous.
fluorescent lamp Main technical parameters
Exde IICT6Gb/ExtD21
T5/T8 led
Ceiling/pipe hanging installation
fluorescent lamp Order Notice
✧The transparent cover of the embedded type 2 lamps adopts high-strength flat tempered glass;
Dustproof performance;
◆The exposed part of the embedded type 2 lamps is less after installation, which can effectively save the height of the workshop.
◎Built-in ballast with encapsulated structure, with good explosion-proof performance;
Degree, beautiful and generous.
fluorescent lamp Main technical parameters
Model BHY
Tanda kalis letupan Exde IICT6Gb/ExtD21
voltan undian. AC220v
sumber cahaya T5/T8 led
kuasa undian 1*18W/2*18W
Fluks bercahaya LED 3600Im
Kelas perlindungan IP66
Gred antikondusif WF2
Benang masuk G3/4"
Spesifikasi Kabel Sederhana 7-Sederhana 12mm
kaedah pemasangan. Ceiling/pipe hanging installation
Persekitaran Kerja Suhu: -40~45C
jangka hayat ≥10000H

fluorescent lamp Order Notice
  1. Apabila membuat pesanan, sila pilih satu persatu mengikut model produk.
  2. Lampu ini telah dilengkapi dengan bekalan kuasa dan sumber cahaya apabila ia meninggalkan kilang.
  3. Lampu boleh dilengkapi dengan kaedah pemasangan yang berbeza.
  4. Syarikat ini menyokong perkhidmatan OEM / ODM, sila hubungi pengurus akaun untuk keperluan terperinci

Pelan Percuma



Maklumat peribadi anda akan dilindungi


Hubungi Jualan Kingjimemachine

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