Pemula magnetik kalis letupan

Pemula magnetik kalis letupan
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Model: BQC53
Mengkhususkan diri dalam penyelidikan dan pembangunan pencahayaan perindustrian, pengeluaran dan penjualan perusahaan berteknologi tinggi negara
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Rated voltage: AC 220/380V
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main circuit rated current:9A-95A
Explosion-proof magnetic starter IP Code: IP65
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Certification:Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
Kotak kalis letupan adalah produk tersuai, dan lukisan terperinci atau parameter perlu disediakan.

Explosion-proof magnetic starter Applicable places
(Applicable to the environment with temperature group T1~T6;
Explosive hazardous environments such as facilities;
◆Comprehensive magnetic products have their own main switch, which is convenient to use;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
(Applicable to the environment with temperature group T1~T6;
Explosive hazardous environments such as facilities;
◆Comprehensive magnetic products have their own main switch, which is convenient to use;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
(Applicable to the environment with temperature group T1~T6;
Explosive hazardous environments such as facilities;
◆Comprehensive magnetic products have their own main switch, which is convenient to use;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
(Applicable to the environment with temperature group T1~T6;
Explosive hazardous environments such as facilities;
◆Comprehensive magnetic products have their own main switch, which is convenient to use;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
Explosive hazardous environments such as facilities;
◆Comprehensive magnetic products have their own main switch, which is convenient to use;
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Performance characteristics
✧The shell is formed by aluminum alloy high pressure casting, and the surface is shot blasted and sprayed with high voltage electrostatic;
◆With overload, phase loss, voltage loss and other protection functions;
◆Built-in AC contactor, thermal relay, self-reset universal switch or button, etc.;
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
Steel pipe or cable routing.
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
Explosion-proof magnetic starter Main technical parameters
Model BQC53
Standard eksekutif GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Tanda kalis letupan Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
voltan undian. AC 220/380V
Maincircuit dinilai semasa 9A,12,18A.25A.32A.40A.50A.65A.80A.95A.
Kelas perlindungan IP65
Gred antikondusif WF2
Kaedah pemasangan hanging

Explosion-proof magnetic starter Order Notice
1. Semasa membuat pesanan, sila berikan lukisan dan parameter terperinci.
2. Syarikat menyokong pemprosesan OEM, sila hubungi pengurus akaun untuk keperluan khusus

Pelan Percuma



Maklumat peribadi anda akan dilindungi


Hubungi Jualan Kingjimemachine

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