Kotak kalis letupan keluli tahan karat

Kotak kalis letupan keluli tahan karat
Explosion-proof box Model: BXM(D)
Mengkhususkan diri dalam penyelidikan dan pembangunan pencahayaan perindustrian, pengeluaran dan penjualan perusahaan berteknologi tinggi negara
Explosion-proof box Rated voltage: AC 220/380V
Explosion-proof box Main circuit rated current:≤400A
Explosion-proof box IP Code: IP65
Explosion-proof box Certification:Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
Kotak kalis letupan adalah produk tersuai, dan lukisan terperinci atau parameter perlu disediakan.

Explosion-proof box Applicable places
Suitable for Zone 1 and Zone 2 in explosive gas environment;
◆Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1 ~ T6;
Performance characteristics
1 The shell of the product is welded and formed by steel plate.
2 According to the electrical drawings and technical parameters provided by the user, the corresponding explosion-proof components and electrical components can be selected to design the external dimensions of the distribution box.
3 The panel can be arranged according to user requirements, with direct operation or operation after opening the door.
4 This product has a variety of solutions, with a variety of functions, which can be customized by the user according to the actual situation.
Explosion-proof box Main technical parameters
Inlet direction
Bottom in and bottom out or bottom in and top out (normally bottom in and bottom out, please specify other directions)
Explosion-proof box Order Notice
◆Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1 ~ T6;
Performance characteristics
1 The shell of the product is welded and formed by steel plate.
2 According to the electrical drawings and technical parameters provided by the user, the corresponding explosion-proof components and electrical components can be selected to design the external dimensions of the distribution box.
3 The panel can be arranged according to user requirements, with direct operation or operation after opening the door.
4 This product has a variety of solutions, with a variety of functions, which can be customized by the user according to the actual situation.
Explosion-proof box Main technical parameters
Inlet direction
Bottom in and bottom out or bottom in and top out (normally bottom in and bottom out, please specify other directions)
Explosion-proof box Order Notice
◆Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1 ~ T6;
Performance characteristics
1 The shell of the product is welded and formed by steel plate.
2 According to the electrical drawings and technical parameters provided by the user, the corresponding explosion-proof components and electrical components can be selected to design the external dimensions of the distribution box.
3 The panel can be arranged according to user requirements, with direct operation or operation after opening the door.
4 This product has a variety of solutions, with a variety of functions, which can be customized by the user according to the actual situation.
Explosion-proof box Main technical parameters
Inlet direction
Bottom in and bottom out or bottom in and top out (normally bottom in and bottom out, please specify other directions)
Explosion-proof box Order Notice
Performance characteristics
1 The shell of the product is welded and formed by steel plate.
2 According to the electrical drawings and technical parameters provided by the user, the corresponding explosion-proof components and electrical components can be selected to design the external dimensions of the distribution box.
3 The panel can be arranged according to user requirements, with direct operation or operation after opening the door.
4 This product has a variety of solutions, with a variety of functions, which can be customized by the user according to the actual situation.
Explosion-proof box Main technical parameters
Model BXM(D)
Standard eksekutif GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Tanda kalis letupan Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T8OC
voltan undian. AC 220/380V
Maincircuit dinilai semasa ≤400A
Bilangan cawangan 4、6、8、10、12
litar cawangan diberi nilai semasa ≤350A
Kelas perlindungan IP65
Gred antikondusif WF2
Benang masuk G1/2" ~ G3"
Spesifikasi Kabel Sederhana 6mm ~ Sederhana 55mm
Inlet direction Bottom in and bottom out or bottom in and top out (normally bottom in and bottom out, please specify other directions)
Kaedah pemasangan gantung, menegak

Explosion-proof box Order Notice
1. Semasa membuat pesanan, sila berikan lukisan dan parameter terperinci.
2. Syarikat menyokong pemprosesan OEM, sila hubungi pengurus akaun untuk keperluan khusus

Produk utama syarikat adalah
letupan bukti kipas letupan kalis ekzos kipas letupan bukti pengekstrak kipas letupan bukti letupan kipas kalis letupan kipas paksi bukti kipas bukti letupan kipas bukti letupan kipas kalis letupan kipas letupan China Kipas Kalis Letupan Kipas Kalis Letupan Kipas Industri Bukti Bumbung Ekzos Kipas Ekzos Kipas Letupan Bukti Perlombongan Letupan Kalis Letupan Lampu Arang Batu Lampu Perlombongan Lampu Kalis Letupan Agensi Lampu Kalis Letupan Agensi Perlombongan Lampu Kalis Letupan Kilang Perlombongan Lampu Kalis Letupan Pengeluar Oem Mining Explosion-proof Lamp China Mining Explosion-proof Lamp China Mine Roadway Lights Mine Roadway Lights Manufacturer Mining Locomotive Lights Mining Headlamp coal coal Lampu penutup perlombongan arang batu lampu letupan bukti pencahayaan lekapan lampu kalis letupan kalis lampu letupan bukti lampu letupan pengeluar letupan bukti pencahayaan letupan bukti pencahayaan letupan lampu bukti letupan bukti cahaya kecemasan
explosion proof spot light explosion proof light fittings explosion proof led light fixturesexplosion proof flood light explosion proof flood light explosion proof lighting manufacturers explosion proof lighting price explosion proof work light explosion proof high bay lighting explosion proof light explosion proof light explosion proof emergency exit light explosion proof high bay led light explosion proof light lekapan lampu lekapan pengeluar letupan lekapan lampu bukti ledakan letupan bukti lampu kecemasan lampu jalur kalis letupan
100wexplosion Proof Led Lights 200wExplosion Proof Led Lights Stesen Minyak Lampu T8 Letupan Kalis Cahaya T5 Kalis letupan Lampu Kalis Letupan Semua plastik Lampu Pendarfluor Keluli Tahan Karat Keluli Kalis letupan Lampu Pendarfluor Kalis Letupan China Letupan Lampu Kalis Letupan Lampu Isyarat Lampu Isyarat Lampu Bimbit Kalis letupan bot pencari lampu sorot bot Lampu isyarat Lampu limpah Lampu isyarat Lampu limpah letupan kotak bukti letupan kotak simpang bukti letupan  explosion proof electric box explosion proof receptacle box explosion proof junction box price explosion proof outlet box explosion proof box explosion proof box keluli tahan karat kotak simpang kalis letupan kotak letupan kalis letupan kandang elektrik kalis letupan kepungan plastik kalis letupan kabinet elektrik Kalis letupan Kotak Pengedaran Lampu kalis letupan Kotak Kalis letupan Kotak Kalis letupan Penyesuaian suis kalis letupan suis lampu kalis letupan kalis letupan had suis letupan kalis letupan suis apungan letupan bukti letupan butang berhenti kecemasan tekan butang letupan bukti letupan
suis butang tekan kalis letupan Hos kalis letupan

Pelan Percuma



Maklumat peribadi anda akan dilindungi


Hubungi Jualan Kingjimemachine

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